It so happened that as I slept my little son who was also sleeping beside folded up and kicked me awake. Moments before that I was in a dream walking in a dark place some distance behind a bicycle held by me by a chain. Suddenly I saw a man approaching me. As he came nearer the gap between us narrowed fast and lo! I felt a kick in my stomach and jumped out of my dream into hurting wakefulness.
I should like to make a few propositiions based on this experience.
1. The brain sensed the imminent threat - a clear and present danger to its person - and pictured it ahead of time in the shape of a person approaching me.
2. The brain is endowed with the faculty of self-preservation and operates even while the consciousness is suspended. This may be called an instinct or the natural intelligence of the organism.
3. The brain is active even during sleep and probably never rests? Or does only for a few fleeting moments? It seems to be awake and engaged in bringing up images and situations for what? For bringing order within itself, as J Krishnamurti says?
Where is the self, the 'I', during this period? The self or the 'I' seems to come with consciousness ... Oops! Too difficult to go on from here...
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