I must write a story using this web app. It seems a great idea. Wow! Just to write in a browser feels good. No app to start up. No waiting time. Just start the browser, which is open most of the time, and open the bookmark to this writer, and you are good to go. It is minimal. No distractions. Nothing to other you orntakenyour mind away from what you are writing. There is a full screen mode for the browser on a laptop or a PC. But for the iPad there is no such thing and I have to look at the browser head when I am not writing.
I won't have you guessing the name of the app: it is called simply Writer and it is available at http://writer.bighugelabs.com/
Now I am going to send it to my blog right now from here. Oops! It didn't work. I will find out other ways to do it. You bet!
Because the app failed to post to Blogger, I went through a lot of acrobatics to get this posted to my blog. I wouldn't go into the details, but I simply hope the chaps at Big Huge Labs get their act together for folks to keep using this app.
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