A quote by someone on Facebook of Solzhenitsyn on a truth about life
drew a comment that it is all there in Bhagwat Gita. Often we hear such comments as much as to say that why give importance to someone's truth when it is already there in the scripture? But the point is: someone has found the truth and you want to run it down by holding up the scripture, which is to deny authentic discovery with something that is packaged and handed down. We are better off saying that our scriptures are the greatest rather than discovering truth in our own life. Truth I think needs to be discovered for ourself and not simply borrowed or purchased from books, however holy. Such truth has far more significance to the discoverer than what is stated in the holy book and repeated endlessly as a matter of routine. What is repeated has no significance to the repeater however true it maybe for the one who revealed it. The question of revelation is to be understood, I think, and not just glossed over by futile repetitions. The repeaters propagate truth, they don't live it. The scripture gives them the authority they lack. Authority can neither be borrowed nor transferred; one has to be an author of one's revelation.
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