Friday, February 20, 2009

Does maturity come with age and experience?

Every living thing grows physically, matures by a certain age and finally decays. This is an irrevocable fact of life. But can the same be applied to the mind, unlike the brain which is bound by the physical laws of nature? Unlike that of the body, the maturity of the mind does not grow incrementally. It cannot be measured: it has no quantity, no unit of measurement. Maturity can and does express itself at any age: the aged have no monopoly over it. Old people do not exhibit it as a rule; they are only more cautious in their approach, having taken many a beating in the past. Maturity is not simply having past experiences as a guide; but perhaps intelligently responding to the ever changing situations without the burden of the past.


  1. Can we teach kids to be mature?

  2. That is the biggest challenge I am facing now. At any rate, being an example does more than merely teaching it verbally. As I watch the kids grow, I believe I am maturing and observing myself now and as I have been in the past. As I am growing inwardly myself, I see that it is bound to show up and affect children too.
