The levels are not measurable, not a physical depth at all. But a way of expression which signifies high and low. Consciousness is perhaps unlike anything in the physical world. Though we speak of layers, it is not correct. It may be more accurate to speak in terms of intensity of feeling, in terms of casual and serious. In this sense alone I feel the dreams could be understood.
Superficial dreams are many, as varied as the objects of desire. They relate to possession for gratifying the senses. Like spending a quiet time smoking and getting lost in fantasies.
Below this superficiality there are dreams to acquire wealth and status. Like owning a big car and decking one's wife with jewelry.
Going deeper one dreams of success, of having arrived, of accomplishments. Like having been there, done that.
Delving deeper still one finds aspirations of a settled kind. Like prestige and respectability, culture and polish.
At the centre of one's being lies the core - again, this is not in terms of a measurable circle with a centre, rather to be understood in terms of those thoughts and feelings that have remained unchanged since adolescence. It is the dream here - usually it is only one and one only - that one actually wants in life, one that fulfils one's destiny, one that surfaces usually later than sooner in life.
The superficial dreams are immediate and easily fulfilled and so they recur and are numerous. The dream in the core is enduring, vulnerable and is not as importunate as the surface dreams. The immediate overshadows the enduring, until the mind no longer depends on it for gratification. All dreams except the one in the core seek gratification of one kind or the other, especially the subtle kind which arise from external objects and peer comparison. They are common to most people, who are blind or too lazy to delve deeper into themselves to discover their core dream.
The dream at the core offers complete self-fulfilment. Its objective is one and one only. It is not swayed by external circumstances. It is one that defines the person completely. It does not rely on external assessment or derived benefits to sustain. It is the prime mover and self-primed. It is the Self, single, undivided, whole. It is this dream that shall be discovered by oneself and no guru, no psychologist, no fortune-teller can reveal. Only some discover it while still young, but the beauty is it can be discovered at any time in one's life. One is usually driven to it by circumstances or by happenstance. It is a discovery of one's Self and one must undertake the journey to discover it, alone. It is not something you can become impatient with. For it does not need time to manifest or uncover, but an acute awareness of oneself in all moods and fancies, while in a group or in solitude.
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