Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Reader's Memoir 1

My earliest recollections of reading for pleasure are about the comic books - the illustrated versions of Mahabharata, Ramayana and the Life of the Buddha. The Phantom and the Mandrake came a little later. The picture of the character and the speech cloud over it provided ample opportunity to imagine what is not there - the person behind the speech, the feeling behind the expression, the ambience from the background and the illusion of movement from the static frames, each succeeding the other through rapid eye movement. Some cartoon images recur long after finishing reading the comic and snatches of conversation echo in the mind. I return to the illustrations time and time again, whenever an image floats into the mind or a conversation is remembered. 

The stories create a world utterly different from my own. The scenes imbued with vibrant colors and decorated with artifacts from the distant past possess a magnetic quality that is hard to resist. The anger, the hate, the fear, and the tender feelings - all emotions resonate in the heart. The story came alive within me, lived and moved within me, any number of times. I became one with the stories whenever I read them. It was not just the words and the pictures, but the emotional interactions between them and the reader that brought them to life. The world of imagination to me was more real than the actual world around me.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Story published

New Asian Writing published my story The Curse on their website. It is available at

It is a story based on some real life fallouts of a leather tanning industry that is poisoning the lives of those who stay close to the factory. Heavy metal contamination is the result of tanning works that ironically seasons the leather used in our wallets, shoes and other leather-based goods and luxury items.

Our lifestyle comes at a great cost, not just a hole in our purse, but also in the form of holes in lives which survive on or near such industries. I hope this little piece brings home this point.

I would appreciate if I receive comments on it (available at the bottom of the story) or share your "lifestyle-related stories" that touched a chord.

Happy reading!

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Sunday, May 6, 2012



I started to blog about techy stuff to explain things in a non-technical way. It is intended for those who are keen to know what the geeks are talking about. The layout of the blog is simple. The structure is deliberately uncomplicated. There are just six elements in the structure:

1. What is xxx?
2. Scenario
3. Illustration
4. Example
5. What I need
6. Note

The first is the question that we ask when hear something like - what is a hotspot?

The second one is a bulleted points of a typical scenario in which we encounter this term.

The third element adds to the explanation by way of a simple drawing.

The fourth provides an example.

The fifth element lists what you need to use the term.

The last is a note to provide extra information.

The URL is

BTW, it has an entry for a URL.

I would like readers to suggest terms for the blog. I provided a contact form to give a feedback, express an interest to write for the blog, or just to suggest terms.

I hope to keep adding terms without fail and somehow bring it to notice of people who might the word.

This notepad shows the word techy with a green underline and provides an alternative 'techie'. I prefer to use techie to mean a technical person and techy to mean just technical.


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